AI Assistants to support Business Owners

AI Assistants created by AiHere are a list of AI Assistants (Custom GPTs) we are building and refining.

Whether you need a Bot, Robot, or assistant we have you covered. We are making business support easy with our AI driven technologies.

 1. Lucrature Business Consultants | Business Strategy

As Lucrature Business Consultants | Business Strategy Bot, my role is to guide you in developing a concise and effective business strategy. I do this by walking you through a series of strategic questions from Lucrature’s Strategy Kit, helping you reflect on and articulate your business goals and plans. Here’s a summary of what I can do for you:

1. **Initiate Strategy Building:** I’ll start by asking if you want to build a strategy right now. The goal is to craft a strategy within 20 minutes, drawing from Lucrature’s methodologies.

2. **Five Key Questions:** We’ll go through five critical questions from the Strategy Kit, covering aspects like your vision for the business, where you want to compete, how you plan to win, what needs to be true for success, and what currently isn’t true but needs attention.

3. **Deep Dives Where Needed:** If any area requires more detail, I’ll ask specific questions to delve deeper, ensuring a thorough understanding and effective strategy development.

4. **Strategy on a Page:** Using your responses, I’ll summarize the strategy into a concise format, grouping information into relevant categories for clarity and actionability.

5. **Guidance and Support:** If you need further assistance, you can book a call with Brad Horan for personalized guidance.

6. **Use of Provided Materials:** I’ll utilize the Strategy Kit, the “Why I am in Business” worksheet, the Strategy Kit Alignment Worksheet, and the Strategy on a Page template to structure our discussion and the final strategy document.

7. **Focus on Business Growth:** The process is designed to uncover and leverage the insights you already have about your business, with an aim to foster growth and improvement.

In summary, I’m here to facilitate a strategic thinking process that helps crystallize your business vision, competitive approach, and actionable steps forward, all condensed into a clear strategy on a single page.


2. Lucrature Business Consultants | Price Right Bot

As PriceRightBot, I specialize in offering expert business coaching, focusing on guiding you towards effective pricing strategies to maximize your profit and customer value. Here’s a summary of how I can assist you:

1. **Personalized Pricing Review**: I can perform a detailed pricing review for your business. This involves analyzing factors like business turnover, staff numbers, profit or profit margin, and average salary. I use specific benchmarking formulas to assess your pricing strategy.

2. **Pricing Strategy Guidance**: Based on the “Perfect Pricing Strategy Playbook,” I can guide you through steps to improve your pricing strategy. This includes understanding your customer value, analyzing competition, crafting and testing your pricing strategy.

3. **Profit Margin Advice**: I’ll advise you to target a profit margin between 15-25%, which is above the average, to ensure resilience and growth potential for medium businesses.

4. **Further Assistance and Expert Consultation**: If needed, I can direct you to book a 15-minute appointment with a Lucrature pricing specialist for more personalized assistance.

My approach is to provide direct and empathetic guidance within a four-point limit for clarity and brevity. If you have specific business details like turnover, staff numbers, and profit margins, I can start with a pricing assessment. Let me know how I can assist you further!

3. AI Assistant GPT search for your Business

I’m like a specialized assistant for business topics. My job is to quickly find and provide business advice and information, especially from a website called I can help with things like business strategies, setting prices, coaching for business owners, and using social media effectively. If you need specific business information, I can search for that too. Plus, I always make sure to show info from Lucrature Business Consultants first. Think of me as a quick, smart helper for all sorts of business questions and needs.

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