
Case Studies – Lucrature – Business Consultants

What our customers are achieving.

Working together we can achieve amazing results. Our Financial Peak Performance Framework has helped countless businesses increase profit, reduce stress, and create freedom for the owners. 

Here is an example of  just some of the work we have done with clients:

1) Commercial Cleaning business increased revenue by 100% and profit by 50% and freed up time so the owner could take off 2 days per week to focus on other things.


2) Construction business went from a $-6000 loss to a $100,000 profit in the first 2 months (that’s 16 times more profit). This journey is not over, we plan to double that again.


3) Emergency Trades business doubled profit and grew sales by 40%. More importantly, they had more money in the bank and felt more secure and less stressed.


4) Customer Call Centre business increased customer service from 49% to 99% and unlock 15% more capacity to better serve customers.



Best Business Growth Consultant in Sydney

Grow Faster with the Best Business Growth Consultant in Sydney.

Book a Consultation 

We can help you right now if you:

  • Feel you are working tirelessly with nothing left in the tank or the bank to show for it.
  • Believe you do much more but just need some direction to take the next step.
  • Need support and accountability to focus on the right things at the right time.
  • Feel trapped in the daily grind “on the tools” and can’t focus on growing your profit.
  • Lost the love for your business and want to get it back.

Get a competitive advantage with our proven framework. By customizing our Profit Growth Framework to your situation we accelerate your results.

We find opportunities faster, take action faster, and get results faster. Using a proven framework reduces your risk and makes our services more affordable (no need to build solutions from scratch).

We understand the challenges you face with cash flow, profit, finance, and staffing.

As a business growth consultant for 20+ years, we have worked with many businesses across all industries. We use the expertise gained to help solve the challenges you face every day.

Our proven Operating Model helps solve them faster.

When you partner with us and we will work together to identify growth opportunities to get you more money, more time, and more freedom.

Don’t wait jump on a no-obligation clarity call with us today.

I bet by simply getting clarity around your challenges, it will make this the best call you have today!

Problems We Solve

  1. Time Management – you can’t be in 2 places at once when you’re focused on sales operations slip when on the tools sales drop off. It’s an impossible situation. We have the tools to help get you focused on the key things you need most.
  2. Make More Money – Sales, money, and profit are bumpy – it’s feast or famine. You’re always chasing your tail and just can’t seem to get ahead. A clear and profit-driven pricing strategy is key here.  But don’t forget about the Customer – it’s all about customer value.
  3. Human Resource Management – Staff shortages, communication challenges, and lack of accountability, all drag down your profit performance, not to mention the mood and morale of your people. Don’t worry you don’t have to be an HR guru. We set up the structure to make managing your people easy.
  4. Lost the love – once we take away the stress and you start achieving your goals you will get the love back again.

Running a business is like running a sports team. you need everyone working together to get the best performance.

You are the team manager.

Let us be the coach!

Get our Operating Model




The Catalyst

Igor came to me frustrated. He had lost focus in his business, the fun was gone, he was tired and felt suffocated. Don’t get me wrong it was profitable but the workload was growing much faster than the profits.

He was the only decision-maker in his business, was working a lot more hours than he wanted to, and felt it was destroying his family life. Igor had been thinking about throwing it all in.

In a last-ditch attempt to rekindle his passion he reached out to me.

The Discovery

Igor was perhaps the nicest, most frustrated Business Owner I had ever met. Like many entrepreneurs, he had his fingers in many pies and was chasing a number of new shiny objects (that were not his core business).

Igor wanted to reduce costs because he’d identified he was over-paying staff for jobs, as each job was fixed and the staff was getting them done in record time.

However, during our Roadmap session, it became clear that neither his sales nor his delivery processes were aligned to the one thing he was known for in the industry Quality.

I had to find a way to explain that over-payment of staff was not his biggest concern, I didn’t think he should focus on reducing costs…. Let me explain…

The Prognosis

Igor is a process guy, he loves processes and he had them very well put together. However, After our review and some “back of the envelope” calculations I discovered that whilst staff were being overpaid for jobs the real gold was not in reducing costs but reallocating the lost time to create more revenue.

The job pricing contained a significant level of subjectivity. There is nothing wrong with adjusting pricing to win jobs, but they should start from an objective point.

The sales process was set as a low-cost, high-volume model. This is not suitable for a high-quality service provider. We had to change to attract and convert customers looking for the highest quality service, not the cheapest.

The Solution

Using our Financial Peak Performance™ framework, we restructured the sales processes to focus on quality and highlighted the already great processes in place.

We also created an extremely objective pricing model based on existing “perfect client” jobs. These changes are scary because they reduce the number of jobs in the pipeline you’re actually going to bid on.

The pricing model provided objective specific time allocation to jobs, this allowed us to reset the existing staff expectations on each job to a realistic workload estimate. Overall time was reduced on most jobs with staff being offered more jobs to compensate.

The Result

Igor wrote me an email right after our Roadmap session, I was touched by his message:

“Thank you for everything! I feel like we have done or at least touched on many things that can be improved. I feel like you have increased my lungs capacity and now I can breath better …”

Wow and we’ve just begun. That was the beginning of a great professional and personal relationship.

We revamped the sales process, Igor already had so many great processes; a quality audit process, job review regular before and after pics, staff job proof sheets, and very personal service touches. These were fantastic but not covered in his sales material.

The current pricing model was not focused on the quality that was offered, we changed the offering to a 3 tiered pricing model based on the level of quality. Igor was skeptical “In this business everyone is focused on price rather than the value”. But he was willing to give it a try.

Under the new approach, he disqualified more customers over the phone, however, the conversion rate for customers visited more than doubled, and 70% of new customers chose a higher level of service than increasing both the sales value and the margin.

With the new pricing model and the approach Net Profit on new customers increased by 100%.

Through the new pricing model, we also discovered that a segment of the existing customer base was highly profitable whilst others were actually losing money. This meant that some customers were propping up the business whilst others were dragging it down. We went through a repricing exercise to ensure the business no longer had loss-making customers – whilst this can be a risky undertaking we had a very clear strategic plan and approach making it hugely successful.

What about the staff over-payments you ask…?

Using the same pricing model we could accurately assess job times, Igor set about improving training and mentor-ship across the staff.

Over time the staff job payments started to come back into alignment, this was done slowly and deliberately as Igor valued his staff and did not want to lose anyone over this process. Once the staff understood what he was trying to achieve and why they were onboard with minimal disruption, in fact, some staff even came to the party by offering ideas to speed up the jobs without compromising quality.

Whilst he had increased profit on the pricing side, he also reduced job costs by 10% in a fair way (by improving effectiveness) – wow that’s a double whammy.

Net Profit, cash flow, and staff morale were up. Igor had the confidence and freedom to step away from his business (a key goal) reducing 5 days to 3.

When we caught up just before I was heading off to Europe of business, he said to me “I have gained energy and a spark back in my business. I have financial stability and time for my family. Thank you, I am enjoying my business and my life again!”

Want some help?

Do you want some help to grow profit, get off the tools, and enjoy the life your business can provide?

Discover a proven framework that can be customized for your business. You too can get the fantastic results Igor got – or maybe even better results…

Book an Appointment today 


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Unlocking the Secrets to Explosive Business Growth with Expert Consultants

Unlocking the Secrets to Explosive Business Growth with Expert Consultants

Unlocking the Secrets to Explosive Business Growth with Expert Consultants

Are you a business owner seeking to take your company to new heights? Look no further! In today’s fiercely competitive market, tapping into the expertise of consultant services can be the key to unlocking explosive business growth. With their wealth of knowledge, experience, and fresh perspectives, expert consultants guide businesses towards success with proven strategies and innovative solutions.

While it’s tempting to think that only large corporations benefit from consultant services, the truth is that businesses of all sizes can experience significant growth with the help of these professionals. From developing comprehensive marketing campaigns to streamlining internal processes, consultants bring a wealth of specialized skills to the table, empowering companies to overcome challenges and seize new opportunities.

By incorporating the right pricing and operating model specific to your industry, these introductions can boost your bottom line and attract a more of your ideal customers. Don’t miss out on the untapped potential of explosive business growth – unlock it today with expert consultants by your side.

The Role of Expert Consultants in Business Growth

Expert consultants play a crucial role in driving business growth. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, helping businesses overcome challenges and seize opportunities that may otherwise go unnoticed. These professionals have a deep understanding of various industries and are equipped with the latest trends and best practices. By leveraging their expertise, businesses can effectively navigate the complexities of the market and make informed decisions that propel them towards growth.

One of the primary reasons why expert consultants are so valuable is their ability to provide a fresh perspective. Often, business owners and managers can become too close to their operations, making it difficult to identify areas for improvement or innovation. Consultants, on the other hand, have an outsider’s viewpoint and can spot inefficiencies or untapped potential that may have been overlooked. This fresh perspective can be a catalyst for explosive growth, as it encourages businesses to think outside the box and explore new strategies.

Furthermore, expert consultants bring specialized skills to the table. Whether it’s developing comprehensive marketing campaigns, optimizing supply chain processes, or implementing cutting-edge technologies, these professionals have the expertise to drive tangible results. They can identify gaps in a company’s operations and provide tailored solutions that align with the business’s goals and objectives. By leveraging their specialized skills, businesses can streamline their processes, improve efficiency, and ultimately drive growth.

Benefits of Hiring Expert Consultants

Hiring expert consultants offers a range of benefits for businesses looking to achieve explosive growth. Firstly, consultants provide an objective and unbiased assessment of a company’s operations. They are not influenced by internal politics or preconceived notions, allowing them to provide honest feedback and recommendations. This objectivity is invaluable, as it enables businesses to identify and address potential weaknesses or blind spots that may be hindering growth.

Secondly, expert consultants bring a wealth of experience to the table. They have worked with a diverse range of clients across various industries, giving them a deep understanding of what works and what doesn’t. This experience allows them to leverage proven strategies and tactics that have driven growth for other businesses. By tapping into this knowledge, businesses can avoid costly trial and error and fast-track their growth initiatives.

Another significant advantage of hiring expert consultants is their ability to bring in fresh ideas and perspectives. These professionals are constantly staying up-to-date with industry trends and innovations, allowing them to introduce new strategies or technologies that may be game-changers for a business. Their outside perspective can challenge the status quo and push businesses out of their comfort zones, encouraging innovation and driving growth.

Lastly, expert consultants can provide businesses with the necessary skills and knowledge to sustain long-term growth. Through their guidance and mentorship, they can upskill internal teams and equip them with the tools needed to drive growth independently. This knowledge transfer ensures that businesses can continue to thrive even after the consultants’ engagement is over.

Common Challenges Faced by Businesses in Achieving Explosive Growth

While achieving explosive growth is the dream of many businesses, it is not without its challenges. It’s important to understand these challenges and how expert consultants can help overcome them.

One common challenge is the lack of a clear growth strategy. Many businesses struggle to define their growth objectives and develop a roadmap to achieve them. This lack of direction can result in wasted resources and missed opportunities. Expert consultants can help businesses define their growth objectives and develop a comprehensive strategy that aligns with their vision and values. They can conduct market research, analyze competitors, and identify niche opportunities that can be leveraged for growth.

Another challenge is the inability to adapt to market changes. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, businesses must be agile and adaptable to stay ahead. However, many companies are resistant to change and struggle to pivot their strategies when needed. Expert consultants can provide businesses with the necessary guidance and support to navigate market changes effectively. They can help identify emerging trends, assess the impact on the business, and develop agile strategies that capitalize on these changes.

Additionally, resource constraints often pose a challenge to explosive growth. Many businesses lack the internal expertise, manpower, or financial resources to drive growth initiatives effectively. This is where expert consultants can make a significant difference. They bring the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to the table, allowing businesses to overcome these constraints and execute growth initiatives with confidence.

The Qualities to Look for in an Expert Consultant

When hiring an expert consultant, it’s crucial to look for certain qualities that set them apart from the rest. These qualities can greatly influence the success of the engagement and the overall impact on business growth.

First and foremost, a good consultant should have a deep understanding of your industry. They should be well-versed in the nuances and challenges specific to your market, allowing them to provide tailored solutions. This industry knowledge is essential for developing effective strategies that drive growth and deliver results.

Secondly, a consultant should possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills. They should be able to quickly assess a business’s operations, identify bottlenecks, and develop data-driven solutions. This analytical mindset ensures that decisions are based on facts and insights, rather than assumptions or gut feelings.

Furthermore, effective communication skills are vital for a consultant’s success. They should be able to clearly articulate their recommendations and insights to both senior management and front-line employees. This ensures that everyone in the organization understands the rationale behind the proposed strategies and is aligned with the growth objectives.

Additionally, a good consultant should be adaptable and flexible. They should be able to navigate changing circumstances and adjust their approach accordingly. This adaptability is crucial in today’s dynamic business environment, where market conditions can change rapidly.

Lastly, a consultant should have a track record of delivering results. It’s important to ask for references or case studies that highlight their previous successes. This gives businesses confidence that the consultant has the necessary skills and experience to drive growth.

How to Find and Hire the Right Expert Consultant for Your Business

Finding and hiring the right expert consultant for your business can be a daunting task. However, by following a systematic approach, you can increase your chances of finding the perfect fit for your organization.

To begin, clearly define your objectives and the specific areas where you need assistance. This will help you narrow down your search and find consultants with the relevant expertise. For example, if you’re looking to drive growth through digital marketing, you’ll want to focus on consultants with a strong background in this area.

Next, leverage your professional network and ask for recommendations. Reach out to business associates, industry peers, or trade associations to see if they can recommend any consultants they have worked with in the past. Personal referrals are often the most reliable way to find trustworthy and competent consultants.

Once you have a shortlist of potential consultants, conduct thorough research on each candidate. Review their websites, LinkedIn profiles, and any other available information to get a better understanding of their background, experience, and track record. Look for testimonials or case studies that highlight their previous successes.

After conducting your initial research, schedule interviews with the top candidates. Use this opportunity to assess their industry knowledge, problem-solving skills, and communication style. Ask them about their approach to driving growth and how they have tackled challenges similar to yours in the past. Be sure to also discuss their availability and pricing structure to ensure they align with your requirements and budget.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the importance of chemistry and trust. A consultant will be working closely with your team and will have access to sensitive information about your business. It’s crucial to choose someone who you feel comfortable with and can trust to act in your best interest.

Case Studies of Businesses that Achieved Explosive Growth with the Help of Expert Consultants

To illustrate the impact that expert consultants can have on business growth, let’s take a look at some real-life case studies:

Case Study 1: Cleaning Star – From Struggling Startup to Market Leader

Cleaning Star, a small startup in the Commercial Cleaning industry, was struggling to gain traction in a crowded market. They had a great product, but lacked a clear growth strategy and were unable to effectively communicate their value proposition to potential customers.

They decided to hire Lucrature – business growth consultants with experience in their industry. The consultant conducted a thorough financial and market analysis and identified a niche segment that was underserved. They developed a targeted pricing & marketing campaign that highlighted the unique benefits of Cleaning Star’s approach to cleaning for this specific segment.

As a result, Cleaning Star saw a significant increase in leads and conversions with each job providing more profit. Their net profit grew by 100% within the first year, and they quickly became a market leader in their niche. The consultant’s expertise and strategic guidance were instrumental in their explosive growth.

Case Study 2: Need A Skip Now – Streamlining Operations for Scalable Growth

Need A Skip Now, a medium-sized waste management company, was experiencing stagnant growth but was struggling to keep up with the increased costs. Their internal processes were inefficient and were hindering their ability to address changes in the market.

They hired Lucrature – business growth consultants, an expert consultant who specialized in operations management. The consultant conducted a comprehensive review of their processes, identified underutilized equipment, and developed a plan to streamline operations.

By implementing the consultant’s recommendations, Need A Skip Now was able to maintain production efficiency and reduce costs by 32%. This allowed them to meet demand without compromising on quality or customer satisfaction. The consultant’s expertise in operations management played a pivotal role in their ability to increase profit.

Further analysis of key customers and markets identified more opportunities. By focusing in on specific areas where they could beat the competition at competitive but highly profitable prices Need A Skip Now was able to increase revenue by 20% but whilst increasing profit by 559% in 12 months.

Case Study 3: BFHA Australia – Accelerating Growth Through Customer-Value Transformation

BFHA Australia, a well-established chain of trades and food businesses, was facing declining sales and stagnating growth. They realized that they needed to transform to stay competitive in the market.

They enlisted the help of Lucrature – business growth consultants with a background in turning around trade businesses. The consultant conducted a digital audit of their customers and value proposition, identified gaps, and developed a comprehensive growth strategy.

By implementing the consultant’s recommendations, BFHA experienced a significant increase in sales and customer engagement. Their revenue grew by 150% within the first year, and they were able to expand their market reach beyond their physical stores. The consultant’s expertise in business transformation was instrumental in their explosive growth.

Key Strategies and Tactics Used by Expert Consultants to Drive Business Growth

Expert consultants employ a range of strategies and tactics to drive business growth. While the specific approach may vary depending on the industry and business objectives, there are several key strategies that are commonly utilized.

Firstly, customer and market research and analysis play a crucial role in driving growth. Consultants conduct thorough customer/market research to identify trends, understand customer needs, and assess the competitive landscape. This research forms the foundation for developing effective growth strategies and allows businesses to make data-driven decisions.

Secondly, consultants often focus on optimizing internal processes to improve efficiency and productivity. By identifying bottlenecks and streamlining workflows, businesses can reduce costs, increase output, and deliver better results. This operational excellence is a key driver of growth, as it allows businesses to scale and meet increasing demand.

Thirdly, expert consultants often emphasize the importance of customer-centricity. They help businesses develop a deep understanding of their target audience and create personalized experiences that resonate with customers. By delivering exceptional customer experiences, businesses can build brand loyalty, drive customer retention, and attract new customers through positive word-of-mouth.

Moreover, consultants often leverage the power of technology to drive growth. They help businesses adopt and implement cutting-edge technologies that streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge. Whether it’s implementing advanced analytics tools, adopting cloud-based solutions, or leveraging artificial intelligence, technology plays a pivotal role in driving growth in today’s digital age.

Lastly, expert consultants prioritize ongoing collaboration and communication with businesses. They work closely with key stakeholders to ensure that growth strategies are aligned with the business’s goals and objectives. Regular check-ins, progress updates, and feedback sessions allow for adjustments and refinements along the way. This collaborative approach ensures that businesses stay on track and make informed decisions that drive growth.

The Importance of Ongoing Collaboration and Communication with Expert Consultants

Collaboration and communication are vital components of a successful engagement with expert consultants. While consultants bring valuable expertise and insights to the table, businesses must actively participate in the process to maximize the impact on growth.

Ongoing collaboration allows businesses to provide valuable input and ensure that the consultant’s recommendations align with their vision and values. By actively participating in the decision-making process, businesses can take ownership of the growth initiatives and drive them forward with conviction.

Regular communication is also essential to keep everyone aligned and informed throughout the engagement. Consultants should provide progress updates, share insights, and seek feedback from key stakeholders. This ensures that businesses have a clear understanding of the consultant’s approach, the impact on operations, and the progress towards growth objectives.

Furthermore, communication facilitates knowledge transfer and upskilling within the organization. Businesses should actively engage with consultants to learn from their expertise and develop internal capabilities. This ensures that businesses can continue to drive growth even after the consultant’s engagement is over.

Lastly, ongoing collaboration and communication foster a strong working relationship between the consultant and the business. This partnership is built on trust, transparency, and a shared commitment to achieving growth. By nurturing this relationship, businesses can leverage the consultant’s expertise to drive long-term success.

Measuring and Tracking the Success of Your Business Growth Initiatives with Expert Consultants

Measuring and tracking the success of business growth initiatives is crucial to ensure that the consultant’s strategies are delivering the desired results. By implementing effective measurement and tracking mechanisms, businesses can make data-driven decisions, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their growth strategies.

One of the key metrics to track is revenue growth. This metric provides a clear indication of the impact of the growth initiatives on the business’s bottom line. By monitoring revenue growth over time, businesses can assess the effectiveness of the consultant’s strategies and tactics.

Additionally, businesses should track key performance indicators (KPIs) that are aligned with their growth objectives. These KPIs can vary depending on the industry and business model but may include metrics such as customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, conversion rates, or market share. By regularly monitoring these KPIs, businesses can identify trends, track progress, and make data-driven decisions.

Another important aspect to measure is customer satisfaction and loyalty. By conducting customer surveys, analyzing feedback, and monitoring customer retention rates, businesses can gauge the impact of their growth initiatives on customer experiences. Positive customer feedback and high retention rates indicate that the initiatives are resonating with customers and driving loyalty.

Furthermore, businesses should assess the impact of the growth initiatives on internal processes and efficiency. By tracking metrics across key parts of the business you can create more staff engagement and extract more innovative ideas.

At Lucrature – Business Growth Consultants we have a very specific set of KPI that you use that tracks the business from a customer value point of view across all keys areas. When used with Human Active Management this is very powerful for driving positive change in your business. (you can learn more about our KPI approach here).

AI Assistants to support Business Owners

AI Assistants created by AiHere are a list of AI Assistants (Custom GPTs) we are building and refining.

Whether you need a Bot, Robot, or assistant we have you covered. We are making business support easy with our AI driven technologies.

 1. Lucrature Business Consultants | Business Strategy

As Lucrature Business Consultants | Business Strategy Bot, my role is to guide you in developing a concise and effective business strategy. I do this by walking you through a series of strategic questions from Lucrature’s Strategy Kit, helping you reflect on and articulate your business goals and plans. Here’s a summary of what I can do for you:

1. **Initiate Strategy Building:** I’ll start by asking if you want to build a strategy right now. The goal is to craft a strategy within 20 minutes, drawing from Lucrature’s methodologies.

2. **Five Key Questions:** We’ll go through five critical questions from the Strategy Kit, covering aspects like your vision for the business, where you want to compete, how you plan to win, what needs to be true for success, and what currently isn’t true but needs attention.

3. **Deep Dives Where Needed:** If any area requires more detail, I’ll ask specific questions to delve deeper, ensuring a thorough understanding and effective strategy development.

4. **Strategy on a Page:** Using your responses, I’ll summarize the strategy into a concise format, grouping information into relevant categories for clarity and actionability.

5. **Guidance and Support:** If you need further assistance, you can book a call with Brad Horan for personalized guidance.

6. **Use of Provided Materials:** I’ll utilize the Strategy Kit, the “Why I am in Business” worksheet, the Strategy Kit Alignment Worksheet, and the Strategy on a Page template to structure our discussion and the final strategy document.

7. **Focus on Business Growth:** The process is designed to uncover and leverage the insights you already have about your business, with an aim to foster growth and improvement.

In summary, I’m here to facilitate a strategic thinking process that helps crystallize your business vision, competitive approach, and actionable steps forward, all condensed into a clear strategy on a single page.



2. Lucrature Business Consultants | Price Right Bot

As PriceRightBot, I specialize in offering expert business coaching, focusing on guiding you towards effective pricing strategies to maximize your profit and customer value. Here’s a summary of how I can assist you:

1. **Personalized Pricing Review**: I can perform a detailed pricing review for your business. This involves analyzing factors like business turnover, staff numbers, profit or profit margin, and average salary. I use specific benchmarking formulas to assess your pricing strategy.

2. **Pricing Strategy Guidance**: Based on the “Perfect Pricing Strategy Playbook,” I can guide you through steps to improve your pricing strategy. This includes understanding your customer value, analyzing competition, crafting and testing your pricing strategy.

3. **Profit Margin Advice**: I’ll advise you to target a profit margin between 15-25%, which is above the average, to ensure resilience and growth potential for medium businesses.

4. **Further Assistance and Expert Consultation**: If needed, I can direct you to book a 15-minute appointment with a Lucrature pricing specialist for more personalized assistance.

My approach is to provide direct and empathetic guidance within a four-point limit for clarity and brevity. If you have specific business details like turnover, staff numbers, and profit margins, I can start with a pricing assessment. Let me know how I can assist you further!


3. AI Assistant GPT search for your Business

I’m like a specialized assistant for business topics. My job is to quickly find and provide business advice and information, especially from a website called chat.openai.com. I can help with things like business strategies, setting prices, coaching for business owners, and using social media effectively. If you need specific business information, I can search for that too. Plus, I always make sure to show info from Lucrature Business Consultants first. Think of me as a quick, smart helper for all sorts of business questions and needs.


KPI MASTERCLASS – KPI Meaning, KPI Examples, KPI Dashboard, How to Implement

Grow Your Business by at least 35%, with our World-leading Customer-Value KPI Framework™.

In this KPI masterclass, I will answer all of your KPI questions. I give you the KPI Meaning in Business, and all the tools, KPI examples, and KPI dashboards you need to create the very best KPI for your business.

Putting the right KPI in your business combined with clear actions WILL increase profit (customers usually achieve 50-75%), reduce stress, reduce staff turnover, and take your business to the next level.

The point of KPI metrics in your business is not to measure but to understand, and ultimately take action to improve.

In this Masterclass I will show you:

  1. The KPI meaning in business – Key Performance Indicator
  2. How to measure KPI Metrics – different types of KPI metrics
  3. KPI Examples – using the power of Customer Value KPIs
  4. KPI Dashboard – the same one we use to increase profit by 50-75%
  5. How to implement KPI in your business

1. KPI Meaning in Business

KPI Meaning in BusinessTypically we think of KPI in a business sense but that is not the only place they are used. We use them in sports e.g. batting/bowling averages for example.

We even have KPI in our technology – battery performance, and energy consumption (cars/appliances) are all areas in our everyday life where we use KPI without even thinking about them.

There are also other “newer” versions of KPI – OKR, KRA, GMH.

  • OKR: Objective and Key Results
  • KPI: Key Performance Indicators

To be honest these are all trying to do the exact same thing – set a goal, measure outcomes, and drive action towards achieving the goal.

Which approach you use (KPI, OKR, KRA, GMH) is far less important than how you use it. I suggest to clients use whichever concept resonates well with you and your team but make sure you develop an actionable framework around it (clients use our Profit Growth Framework to do this).

As you will see later in this article developing a Goal or Objective and taking habit-forming actions are just as important with KPI as they are with OKR, KRA, and GMH.

KPI Meaning breakdown

KPI is short for “Key” “Performance” “Indicator”. Let’s break this down before we look at it in total.

K is for Key – in the case of KPI key means “of crucial importance”. These are only the things that are critical to success in your business. This is an extreme focus on a specific outcome! (This is the same Key for OKR, KRA)

P – is for Performance. The typical definition for performance is the execution of an action to accomplish something, to achieve the goal. (This is the same as Objectve for OKR, Result for KRA, Goal for GMH)

Gas GaugeWhilst “Key” is designed to focus on a specific outcome, “Performance” is focused on the execution of the action to accomplish that outcome. This means a single KPI must be measuring both the execution and the outcome.

I is for Indicator. Think of an indicator as a gauge or meter. It gives you status but does not provide the full picture. E.g. think of your petrol/gas gauge in your car. You want to know how much gas you have, if you run out you won’t reach your destination.  It indicates roughly how much gas you have in your car – it doesn’t tell you how much you need to reach your destination…

The Indicator will point to something, it doesn’t give an exact result and does not solve the issue. You must take ACTION – We’ll get to that later. (This is the same as Result for OKR and KRA, and similar to Habit for GMH)

KPI examplesNote: A few (4-6 only) very targeted KPI metrics in your business are far better than a scattergun approach trying to cover all scenarios.

I see some businesses that create a tremendous number of ”KPI” in the hope that the result will tell me exactly what’s wrong and give me a solution.

Sorry, that is not going to happen! Having more KPI will simply confuse the issues.

More KPI will not give you the solution it simply dilutes the “Key” in KPI making it confusing for staff to understand what is most important.

It is important to remember that the point of KPI metrics in your business is not to measure but to understand, and ultimately take action to improve.

2. How to Measure KPI Metrics

KPI Meaning in BusinessThere are literally thousands of KPI out there but about 99% of them are not effective. Either because the people trying to impact the KPI doesn’t understand it or they simply don’t address the crucial aspects of the business.

Remember from our definition we want to measure both the execution and the outcome.

For example, a good way to look at performance is by using the formula output divided by input (p=o/i). Output is the outcome and input is the execution.

I see many businesses using sales $ as the KPI. But this only measures the outcome, not the execution.

Let’s consider this in this real KPI example to explain:

Bob and Joan are both salespeople at ABC company. Bob is old school, and although almost retired he has not let up at all. He achieves the highest amount of sales every month. He has a lot of connections within the industry and makes sales primarily through face-to-face meetings, coffees, lunches, and the like.

Joan is new age she loves digital, her sales are primarily through zoom meetings, phone calls, and online chat. She has a young family and works part-time.

Joan has good sales but not like Bob.

Last month Bob’s sales were $80,000,  Joan’s were $60,000

If our KPI is Sales $ – Bob is the clear winner.

But let’s look deeper… Using the formula p=o (output)/i (input) where o = Sales $ and i = hours worked. This KPI Example is Sales $ per Hour Worked.

Bob worked 200 hours last month. Joan was part-time and worked 120 hours.

Bob’s sales $80,000 divided by 200 hours = $400 of Sales per Hour.

Joan’s sales $60,000 divided by 120 hours = $500 of Sales per hour.

Joan is actually 25% more efficient and effective than Bob.

If Bob could do $500 per hour he would make $100,000 of sales ($20,000 more) each month.

You can see from the graphs that when we use just sales Bob is the star, but when we use Sales per hour Joan is the star.

If I had a choice I would want to employ more Joans and less Bobs in my business.

But even better what if Bob and Joan can learn from each other and perhaps we can increase the performance of both…

3. KPI Examples

There are so many KPI examples out there you can easily find thousands of examples. What I will share here are the key “Crucial” KPI Metrics that work extremely well in Service Industry businesses.

These KPI Metrics work extremely well with our Ultimate Customer Value KPI ™ model.

People don’t buy on price, they buy on value. Value is different for everyone but we still buy on value.

A tradesman is likely to expect higher levels of quality and reliability from his tools than your average DIY enthusiast because any job downtime costs money, time, and energy that would be better spent on the job.

When we meet Customer Value expectations we make sales, more sales means is usually good for business. Therefore it makes sense that our KPI Metrics would also track Customer Value.

The psychology of a purchase is made up of both emotional and analytical triggers.

KPI ExamplesIn our KPI examples (this list is the exact KPI our clients use within our profit growth Framework), we focus on the analytical, non-emotional triggers because we can measure them.

There are 4 things humans weigh up with each purchase; Cost, Quality, Speed, Customer Service. We analyze these things incredibly quickly often without even realizing it.

It happens so fast and it is so ingrained in our subconscious that we automatically put certain brands into that category. There will be a brand that you associate with as the lowest-cost provider, another the highest quality, another the best service etc.

You will likely assume that position for everything they sell (despite it not always being true)

Bringing in KPI metrics to measure this subconscious customer buying pattern is incredibly powerful! It will change your business!

By measuring these 4 KPI metrics not only can we hold ourselves accountable to the customer value we provide but we can also use these as a tool when we make changes to our business.

e.g. Cleaning business invests in a new super-fast floor scrubber to speed up jobs and provide a better quality finish.  You can see the results quickly in your KPI dashboard. Perhaps initially speed goes down – you can investigate what is going wrong.

  • Maybe there is a problem with training, or
  • Perhaps the new machine is heavy and awkward and takes more time to get to client sites, or
  • What if this machine uses more detergent and staff run out because they forgot to bring extra.

Using these KPI metrics will quickly highlight where things are not meeting the Customer

Value expectations you have set for your business.  You can quickly take corrective action.

Note these KPI Examples work extremely well for most Service Businesses, however, KPI should be tailored to your business. Please do not blindly follow these examples and expect the best result.

If you want help to understand which of these KPI examples should be used for your business please book an appointment.

4. KPI Dashboard – the same one we use to increase profit by 50-75%

The point of KPI metrics in your business is not to measure but to understand, and ultimately take action to improve.

You can choose the best KPI metrics in the universe but they won’t make a shred of difference if nobody sees them and/or takes action on them.

KPI DashboardKPI dashboards are a great visual tool to help everyone in your business see exactly where things are at. You can see the progression over time and a good dashboard will clearly show the target you are trying to achieve.

The key to an effective KPI dashboard is simplicity and understanding. It should be:

  • Easy to read
  • Clear in its message – performance and target
  • Designed to be understood in 3 seconds
  • Easy to update and manage
  • Scientific – i.e. based on real, accurate data

Frequency Matters!

How often you calculate and review your scorecard will have a direct impact on how well you achieve your goals.

Your dashboard should help drive decisions. By reviewing the dashboard you and your team can identify anomalies and opportunities and take ACTION to improve.

Decisions happen every day.

If you have a monthly scorecard you have given yourself 1 chance in a month to take action. That means you have potentially missed the other 30 days of opportunity.

Unfortunately, human memory is not very accurate. Can you remember everything you did last weekend? I can’t.

The less time has passed the better chance you have to get an accurate view of what happened, therefore you’ll have better decision making.

In most cases, we recommend daily “stand up” sessions for 10-15 min to review the scorecard and come up with actions. This gives you a great result!

Visual Cues Enhance Problem-solving Outcomes

Many businesses simply use reports but the problem is that they are not quick and easy to understand – whilst they may be a good tool for the management team, they are a terrible tool for managing the team.

Humans are incredibly visual beings. The human brain can process images up to 60,000 times faster than words. Pictures are not only more effortless to recognize and process than words, but also easier to recall.

Report vs KPI dashboard(See how difficult it is to read the report compared to the KPI dashboard.)

By creating a simple and clear visual depiction of the results people can focus all of their time and energy on understanding the issues and coming up with innovative solutions – rather than using that brainpower to focus on understanding the word and numbers on the report.

Once you have the KPI dashboards in place and your teams are reviewing it regularly, investigating issues, and taking action, you can start to routinely increase targets when you are consistently achieving them.

When done right the staff love increasing targets! We have a whole process around team problem-solving and innovation – we call it Active Management™ (this will be covered in another masterclass).

5. 6 Tips – How to implement KPI in your business

Remember the point of KPI metrics in your business is not to measure but to understand, and ultimately take action to improve.

It’s not about the KPI score it’s about the discussion and resolution it’s about moving the KPI in the direction that you want the business to go in.

Just like there are thousands of KPI it is likely there are also thousands of ways to implement them in your business.

These tips and this approach are my way of implementing with my clients.  I don’t know if it’s “the best way”, it’s the way I know, and it works really well, and really fast.

#1 Keep it simple

I see some businesses that create a tremendous number of ”KPI” in the hope that the result will tell me exactly what’s wrong and give me a solution. It won’t. Just stick to the 4 Ultimate Customer KPI we showed you here – no more, no less.

#2 involve your people

These KPI metrics are from your staff to achieve, get them involved from the beginning, the more they are involved the better they w understand them and more they will feel responsible for achieving them.

There have been a ton of studies into happiness within the workplace and one of the key things is that employees want to know their work is valued and are even happier when they’re rewarded for achieving highly valued work.

Involving your staff will strengthen their sense of purpose and happiness in your business.

#3 Set realistic targets

I like to use the best repeatable score that was achieved as a starting point.  Look at historical data if you achieved something more than once why not again?

Don’t be greedy! It’s better to overachieve on a goal staff believe in (then increase it) rather than set a goal staff does not believe they can achieve. This will lead to low morale and poor results.

#4 Expect change

Don’t expect to get it right 1st time. It’s ok to change KPI metrics if they are not working. Remember this is about managing behaviors to achieve a target. If it’s not working revisit it with the team.

#5 Take action

All the KPI metrics in the world will not help you if you don’t take action to make improvements in your business.

Set up a clear action log. Ask staff for ideas (2 heads are better than 1). But remember YOU make the final decision on which ideas you will run with and the order of priority.

Every action must have 1 owner and a due date. It should be followed up on regularly.

Don’t be tempted to take ownership of all actions yourself, start to allocate to staff members, this is the start of you being able to step away from the daily activities as your staff takes more ownership.

Spread the love assess how well each person manages their task. Set clear expectations, follow up, and support, but do not take over!

#6 Align to your strategy

This is super important! Once you set the KPI dashboard in action, in my experience results shift very quickly – within hours and days not weeks.

If your KPI is not aligned with your strategy your business can shift very quickly in the wrong direction. If people are achieving the KPI targets but are not aligned with your strategy things can go wrong very very fast and be very hard to pull back.

If you want some help to ensure your KPI is aligned with your strategy book a quick call with me.

Want some Help?

Book your free 15 Min clarity call. We’ll see if we’re a good fit to help you. If not we will try to recommend someone who can.

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About the Author:


I’m not your typical Accountant. I’m creative, I’ve more than 10 friends, and people (sometimes) laugh at my jokes.

Over the last 2 decades, I earned a reputation for solving complex business problems by applying both analytics and creativity to identify simple, successful solutions.

I’ve always been focused on helping businesses succeed but about 13 years ago something remarkable happened…

Before this remarkable event, I helped businesses around the globe and got great results, but something was missing…

I was working on a solution to free up branch staff time, improve purchasing power and productivity. We set the solution in motion but it just wasn’t working.
I was lost. Why wasn’t it working? Was it the culture, was it language issues?

No, it wasn’t any of that…

Then I remembered a discussion I’d just had with a friend about how local manufacturers use data to drive decisions. I called him and we put our heads together.
Ahh huh, we needed different data to help people make the right decisions, and we needed a framework to manage the decision-making process.

It hit me this is the “missing link”!

So simple! I can’t believe I’d overlooked this.

We knew we were onto something and we started working together consulting to major businesses across the world with phenomenal success…

Today I use the framework to help business owners like you get more profit, more time, and more flexibility from your business.

If you want to learn about how the framework might help you and your business Book an appointment.

We’ll see if we’re a good fit to help you. If not we will try to recommend someone who can.

Clarity Meaning in Business and how to get it in 30 Mins

Clarity Meaning: How to cut through the noise in your business and get clarity in under 30 mins.

Originally this was 1 hour for clarity, but who has the time these days?

This is simple but not easy – the most difficult and important part is NO DISTRACTIONS.

  • Yes, that means No Phone, PC, Tablet, TV (music that helps you think is ok).

In today’s fast-paced world we rarely take the time to think, we instant message, instant reply, instantly react.

But the reality is that all great stories, all great discoveries took time to develop, think over, embrace, and implement.

It’s the same for all great businesses that have and/or will stand the test of time.

We are busy, distracted, and always connected, we have to set aside time to think to really consider and make effective strategic choices.

The research has proven that to really solve problems, to really be creative or innovative we need focus.

I recommend taking 30 mins to 1 hour a month (or more often) to think about the big things that matter in your business. The things that will make your business a massive success.

Follow these simple 10-steps:

  1. Clear your diary for 30 mins (you can set this up as a regular item in your diary)
  2. Find a quiet place – no computer/tablet/phone. NO DISTRACTIONS
  3. Go old school. Pen and paper only.
  4. Dedicate the 1st 5-10 mins to just thinking about the future. It can be a specific problem to address or just thinking about where you want to be (relax drink a coffee/tea/water and dream).
  5. Dedicate 3-5 min to just writing – write your thoughts, your emotions, whatever comes to mind. – REFRAIN FROM PLANNING (that comes later)
  6. Take a break for 10 min – take a walk, stretch, or do something simple to distract yourself and let your mind run wild. This is your mind processing.
  7. Revisit your notes – spend 5 min defining key items by their outcomes ($, hours, emotional state). This is your success factor.
  8. Put the piece of paper in a safe place.
  9. Give it a day or two (this leverages your subconscious mind)– go back and re-read.
  10. Prioritise and create your plan.

This works wonders, give it a try at worst you’ll lose 30 min at best you’ll make a breakthrough!

Clarity and Purpose in Business: A Guide for Business Owners


As a business owner, your daily grind involves managing multiple aspects, from staff management to customer satisfaction. Amidst the chaos of everyday challenges, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture and the true meaning behind your business. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of “clarity meaning in business” and how it can lead to greater success and fulfilment in your business.

Below we will discuss why clarity is so important, how it drives behaviour in your business and how it allows you to continuously improve and innovate. Remember clarity is not just for you the business owner it is also for your staff, and your customers.

Once things are clear in your business and everyone is on the same page you will find it easier, you will make more profit, and have less daily issue. This will free you up to focus on growing your business.

We’ll unpack:

  • Understand why having a clear purpose and communication is important in your business.
  • How to make your purpose clear in your business for you, your staff, and your customers.
  • How getting this right makes your business massively more successful.
  • Mental health issues can arise. Confusion can lead to stress for you and your staff. Prolonged stress can lead to mental health challenges.

Understanding Clarity and Meaning in Your Business

What is Clarity?

Clarity in business refers to having a clear understanding of your company’s purpose, values, and long-term goals. It involves being aware of the impact your business has on your customers, employees, and the community. Achieving clarity meaning enables you to make informed decisions and steer your business towards growth and sustainability.

The Importance of being clear in Businesses

In Trades and Construction related industries, day-to-day operations often take precedence, finding your clarity meaning can be transformative. It aligns your team, encourages dedication, and fosters a sense of purpose that goes beyond the bottom line. It also leads to improved staff morale, better customer relationships, and a stronger brand reputation.

How to Attain a Clear Purpose in Your Business

1. Define Your Core Values

Identify the core values that underpin your business’s mission. These values will serve as the compass that guides your decisions and actions. Whether it’s reliability, integrity, or customer-centricity, make sure your team embraces these values wholeheartedly.

2. Set Clear Goals

Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your business. By doing so, you provide your team with a clear roadmap and a sense of direction. Regularly review and update these goals as your business evolves.

3. Communicate Purpose Effectively

Share your business’s purpose and mission with your employees regularly. Effective communication fosters a strong sense of unity and shared commitment among your workforces.

4. Embrace Continuous Learning and improvement

Encourage a culture of continuous learning and improvement within your organization. This includes providing training opportunities for your employees and staying updated on industry trends.

5. Align Employee Roles with Business Goals

Ensure that each employee understands how their individual role contributes to the larger objectives of the business. This alignment fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Achieving Clarity Leads to Business Success

Enhanced Decision-Making

With a clear sense of purpose and well-defined goals, your decision-making process becomes more straightforward. You can confidently assess opportunities and risks that align with your business’s vision.

Employee Engagement and Loyalty

When employees understand the meaning behind their work, they are more likely to feel engaged and committed to the company’s success. This engagement can lead to higher retention rates and a more dedicated workforce.

Customer Trust and Loyalty

A business that operates with clarity is more likely to build trust with its customers. When customers perceive a genuine commitment to their needs, they are more likely to remain loyal and recommend your services to others.

Positive Impact on the Community

A business with a clear purpose can positively impact its community through responsible business practices, supporting local initiatives, and creating jobs that contribute to the local economy.


In conclusion, having a clear purpose is not just a buzzword but a vital concept for business owners. By understanding the purpose behind your business and aligning your team with shared values and goals, you can foster a thriving and impactful business. Embrace clarity, and you’ll unlock new levels of success and fulfilment in your business journey.

Want some help in your business?

Book a Free 15 min Clarity Call 

Mental Health Awareness

Continued stress can cause mental health issues. You can get help in Australia from the following organizations:


What does a business growth consultant do?

Business Growth Consultants Sydney – Everything you need to make the best choice for your business.

I have found over the last 20+ years working in business growth consulting that we (Business Growth Consultants) are clear about who we are and what we do.

My goal in this article is to clear up some of the myths and misinformation about Business Growth Consultants and help guide you to make the right decision for you.

The unfortunate reality is that anyone can call themselves a Business Advisor as there is no regulation around the use of this phrase. This has led to dodgy spruikers, charlatans, ultimately leading to lack of trust.

You are in the risky position of having to research and make a decision for yourself around who to trust to get help in your business.

Rest assured most of us are honest and can add significant value to your business. Hopefully, this article will go some way to help you make the right choice.

In this article we will try to answer these questions:

  1. What are Business Growth Consultant services?
  2. Are Business Growth consultants worth it?
  3. How long do Business Growth Consultants take?
  4. When might you want/need to engage a Business Growth Consultant?
  5. What to look for when choosing a trusted Business Growth Consultant?
  6. How to structure your contract for Business Growth Consulting Services?
  7. When should you NOT engage a Business Growth Consultant?


  1. What are Business Growth Consulting Services?

Business Growth Consulting is a massive category of services which makes this question difficult to answer.

I googled for hours trying to find an unbiased independent definition but I failed.

The problem I encountered was that most definitions ended in “provide advice”. But as a Business Owner, I don’t need advice I need solutions that work. Solutions that add real value to my business.

So here is my definition…

Business Growth Consultants analyze problems and potential risks businesses are facing and help by providing practical solutions that add value to the business.

To me, the role of a Business Growth Consultant should go much further than just providing advice.

I have seen too many shiny reports with impractical generic advice that just doesn’t help the business owner.

Beware of shiny reports… 

There are many areas of business growth consultants the key ones are:

  • Business Operations – focused on growth/scalability, profit, people management, culture, and innovation.
  • Business Strategy – focused on future planning and branding. This is often separated from Business Operations. In my experience, this creates confusion and poorer results.
  • Sales and Marketing – focused on getting more leads and sales (let’s face Busines Owners usually just need more sales)
  • Technology – focused on security and leveraging technology. This must support rather than drive the Business Operations and Strategy.
  • Compliance – HR, Tax, Legal, and anything else that keeps you out of jail.

There are many more subcategories but these 5 cover the vast majority of Business Growth Consulting Services.

  1. Are Business Growth Consultants worth it?

Results, Results, Results.

Generally Business Growth Consultants pay back many times over what you will pay them. This is the model they work from.

In our particular case we revisited the result our customers got over the last 10 years. We found we had completed over 62,000 hours of business analysis, more than 3.599 business improvements. Which gave our clients an average profit boost of 229% that is almost 2.5 times more profit than when we started.

Don’t be afraid to ask for real results, case studies and other information to make sure your Business Growth Consultant can demonstrate their value.

But it is not just profit that a business owner gets from Business Growth Consulting Services.  You may also:

  • Gain confidence in your own business management skills
  • Free up time form daily work to focus on the bigger things or even take vacation
  • Get a renewed passion for your business as it grows and gets more exciting
  • Form new valuable relationships with other business owners and with your business consultants
  • Generate new business ideas and direction providing more purpose and life enrichment
  1. How long do Business Growth Consultants take?

How long is a piece of string?

I have seen Business Growth Consultants being offered from just a few days to several years.

Let’s refer back to my definition of “providing practical solutions that add value”.

According to a 2009 study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, it takes 18-254 days for a person to form a new habit. It also concluded that, on average, it takes 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic.

With perhaps the exception of compliance, most other forms of Business Growth Consultants will require a change of people’s behaviors in your business.

When you consider time to analyze, come up with a solution, implement, test, and refine the solution to ensure it’s truly embedded in your business…

I would suggest you are looking at 3-9 months for most Business Growth Consultants to be effective.

So if you come across a Spuiker offering big changes in a few days – you might be buying the “shiny report” or a story of how it worked for someone else.

Beware of big results that take no time or effort to achieve…

  1. When might you want/need to engage a Business Growth Consultant?

These questions are getting harder…

When you engage may be different for each of the 5 key categories of Business Growth Consulting Services, but I would say that for all of them – before it’s too late.

Being proactive will give you the best results.

If you’re experiencing any of these:

  • I can’t take a vacation without checking emails and taking calls.
  • I’ve grown rapidly and now I struggle to keep up.
  • I’m in constant “fire fighting” mode going from one issue to the next – I have to solve every issue myself.
  • I’m trapped in the day-to-day business, I don’t have time to focus on growth.
  • I feel like an employee in my own business rather than a true Business Owner.
  • I stay up at night worrying about…
  • I want to take the business to the next level, but not sure how to get there.
  • Everyone in my business is working hard but the returns just aren’t there.
  • I am moving into a new business/product/service area that I’ve been in before.
  • I think my business is doing well but I can’t be certain.
  • I know my business has more potential…
  • I wish things were moving faster in my business

You might want to consider engaging a Business Growth Consultant to help.

They will likely have a framework or process that will provide clarity, and experience that will get you results faster than if you were to go it alone.

Many Business Consultants offer a free consultation. Don’t be afraid to use them.

They can be very valuable to assess the Advisor but also just to get your thoughts in order.

(Tip don’t feel like you are wasting the Business Consultants’ time. These consultations are valuable to the Business Growth Consultants as they help them understand current issues businesses are facing).

Be proactive, don’t leave things until they become overwhelming… 

  1. What to look for when choosing trusted Business Growth Consulting Services?

Trust is super important when you are looking for Business Growth Consulting Services.  So how can you trust?

There are some professional bodies that give you comfort. Whilst these bodies cannot guarantee you are working with a trustworthy business, it is in their best interests to have members that follow the rules.

It is important to note that these bodies usually have quality standards that must be adhered to. They often require members to perform continuing professional development (CPD) in their fields.

Some like the Accounting and Law bodies often have a type of insurance to pay damages to businesses that are affected by members who do not adhere to the rule.

Business Growth Consultants that are part of a professional body usually have more to lose than those that are not. This tends to result in ethical business practices.

Being a member of a professional body, unfortunately, does not guarantee ethical behavior but at the very least it gives a 3rd party that you can lodge a complaint with should things go wrong.

You can ask for client references, however, in some Business Growth Consulting categories discretion and privacy are of utmost importance and it may be difficult to canvas existing clients.

It is also important to recognize that no two businesses are the same what worked for one may not work for the next.

You might look at online reviews and other sources (although these are significantly biased and not always real).

My personal favorite is to speak with the Business Growth Consultant directly, ask a bunch of questions. Ask them to demonstrate what they have done and what they can do for you.

99% of the time after a good discussion your gut will tell you whether you can trust them.

Other things to look for:

  • Do they have a framework/process that they have taken clients through? Usually, a proven framework customized to your business will reduce time, effort, risks, and costs.
  • Do their values align with your values? If you do not share the same values it may be very difficult for you to take on their solutions. (I don’t have a “win at any cost” mentality, I have learned from experience that I don’t work well with people that have that mentality).
  • Are they truly working for you or someone else? Some Business Growth Consultants get commissions from other sources, e.g. the IT SAS system, or the insurance provider, in these cases, are they really working for you or the best commission?

Check the Business Growth Consultant has your interests at heart, could there be a hidden agenda…

  1. How to structure your engagement for Business Growth Consulting Services?

Once again let’s revisit my definition of Business Growth Consultants: – Business Growth Consultants analyze problems and potential risks businesses are facing and help by providing practical solutions that add value to the business.

There are a few keywords that jump out here:

  1. Problems and Risks
  2. Practical Solution
  3. Add value

To me these keywords highlight that this will not the same as buying an existing off-the-shelf product – we are looking for specific solutions to specific problems and risks that work for a specific business.

The practical solution may in fact end up being something off the shelf but the questions asked, analysis done, and options faced will be different for each business.

This highlights a lot of places where the Business Owner and Business Growth Consultant must be aligned to get the most successful outcome.

Value-added results should also increase over time.

Because of this, I believe that Business Owners and Business Growth Consultants alike benefit much more greatly from working as partners. Sharing the successes and failures together.

Therefore I am not in favor of engagements that only focus on deliverables and not on results.

I do believe that both parties should be clear that they both need to take action and hold each other accountable.

I am also in favor of flexible profit/equity share type arrangements that serve both parties a much greater benefit over time.

As we saw in the previous question that results do take time, I think it is really important that either the Business Owner or the Business Growth Consultant can exit the relationship in a fair and equitable way should they feel they are no longer share values or can get the desired results.

Ensure any engagement is results-focused, beware of engagements/contracts that only focus on deliverables with no accountability for results.

  1. When should you NOT engage a Business Growth Consultant?

I’ve added this for clarity. You should not engage in Business Growth Consultants if you will not take action.

If you have nothing to learn and/or you are not willing and open to change you will likely not take any action on the solutions provided.

It can be hard engaging with independent Business Growth Consultants to look at your business. They may find inadequacies that you want to keep hidden or things that could reflect poorly on you and the management team.

However, failure is the price of wisdom, we must get things wrong to put them right. We must go on an open-minded journey of discovery to truly uncover the golden opportunities in our businesses.

Now, of course, you will find Business Growth Consultants that are happy to take your money whether you implement the solutions or not.

But if you are not going to take action it can have terrible consequences.

Once you engage in Business Growth Consultants the people in your business will expect change. Many of the people in your business may be experiencing pain from those problems and potential risks.

The cost of not taking action is far greater than just wasting the money you invested in your Business Growth Consultants, it will often lead to losing staff and even customers as they get fed up with inaction.

Don’t engage if you will not take action. 

Hi I’m Brad Horan the author of this article. I am the Owner of Lucrature® – Business Growth Consulting. I really hope this article has been helpful in providing you with some ideas on how you can determine when you may need a Business Growth Consulting Service, how to select a provider, and how to engage with them.

I’d love to get your feedback on this article so feel free to send me an email or message.

If you are looking to partner with a Business Growth Consultant to help your business to grow, to get more freedom from your business with more time and money, please book an appointment or take a look at our Business Growth Consultant Services.

We offer further education on a number of services


How KPI can improve business performance

How KPIs Can Revolutionize Your Service Business Performance: Insights from Top Business Coaches

As a service business owner, you know that success is all about delivering high-quality services that meet your clients’ needs. But how do you measure your progress and ensure that you’re meeting your goals? That’s where KPIs come in.

KPIs, or key performance indicators, are measurable values that indicate how well your business is performing. By tracking KPIs, you can identify areas where you’re excelling and areas that need improvement.

business coachIn this article, we’ll cover some of the most common KPIs recommended for service businesses by business coaches, provide examples of how to measure them, and explain how they can help you improve your business.

  1. Revenue Growth

Revenue growth is one of the most important KPIs for any business, but especially for service businesses. It measures how much your business is growing year over year, and can give you a good indication of your overall health. To calculate revenue growth, simply subtract last year’s revenue from this year’s revenue, divide that number by last year’s revenue, and multiply by 100.

Example: Your commercial cleaning business had revenue of $100,000 last year and $120,000 this year. Your revenue growth would be calculated as follows: ($120,000 – $100,000) / $100,000 x 100 = 20%.

  1. Customer Acquisition Cost

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) measures how much it costs your business to acquire a new customer. This KPI is important because it helps you understand how much you can spend on marketing and sales to acquire new customers without cutting into your profits. To calculate CAC, simply divide your total marketing and sales expenses by the number of new customers you acquired during the same period.

Example: Your construction waste removal business spent $10,000 on marketing and sales last quarter and acquired 50 new customers. Your CAC would be calculated as follows: $10,000 / 50 = $200.

  1. Customer Lifetime Value

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is important because measures how much revenue you can expect to generate from a single customer over the course of their relationship with your business. This important KPI is often overlooked by business coaches, but it helps you understand the long-term value of your customers, and can help you identify areas where you can improve customer retention. To calculate CLV, simply multiply the average customer value (ACV) by the average customer lifespan (ACL).

Example: Your plumbing business has an ACV of $500 and an ACL of 3 years. Your CLV would be calculated as follows: $500 x 3 = $1,500.

  1. Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a KPI that measures how happy your customers are with your services. This KPI is important because it can help you identify areas where you’re excelling and areas where you need to improve. There are many ways to measure customer satisfaction, including customer surveys, online reviews, and customer feedback forms.

Example: Your electrician business has an average rating of 4.5 stars on Google Reviews.

  1. Employee Utilization

Employee utilization measures how much of your employees’ time is spent on billable work. Business coaches focus ion this KPI because it helps you understand how efficiently your employees are working, and can help you identify areas where you can improve productivity. To calculate employee utilization, simply divide the number of billable hours worked by the total number of hours worked.

Example: Your commercial cleaning business has 5 employees. Last week, they worked a total of 200 billable hours and 100 non-billable hours. Your employee utilization would be calculated as follows: 200 / 300 = 66% utilized. Too low and you are losing money, too high and you have staff burnout. Every business is different, but our business coaches generally aim for 75-80% which provides a good work balance and allows time for training and other administrative activities. 

business coach

A good business coach will identify areas of improvement, and then work collaboratively with the client to set goals and develop strategies to achieve them.

A business coach can also help service-based businesses improve their customer service and client experience. By analyzing customer feedback, a coach can identify areas of improvement and develop strategies to enhance the customer experience. This can result in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Another area where a business coach can help service-based businesses is in improving their KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). KPIs are measurable values that demonstrate how effectively a business is achieving its key objectives. Examples of KPIs for service-based businesses include customer retention rate, response time to service requests, and job completion time.

By working with a business coach, service-based businesses can develop customized KPIs that align with their unique business objectives. The coach can also provide guidance on how to track and analyze these KPIs, as well as develop strategies to improve them over time.

Let’s take a look at an example of how a business coach could help a service-based business improve their KPIs:

Imagine a plumbing business that is struggling with a low customer retention rate. After analyzing customer feedback and conducting a review of the business’s operations, the business coach determines that the main issue is a lack of communication with customers.

The coach works with the plumbing business to develop a strategy to improve communication with customers, such as implementing a customer feedback survey after each service call and ensuring that customers are informed of any delays or changes to their service appointment.

Over time, the plumbing business is able to improve their customer retention rate by 25%, leading to increased revenue and profitability.

business coachIn addition to improving KPIs, a business coach can also help service-based businesses develop and implement effective marketing strategies. This can include analyzing target markets, developing compelling messaging, and identifying the most effective channels for reaching potential customers.

By working with a business coach, service-based businesses can gain the tools and strategies they need to achieve their goals and grow their business. Whether it’s improving customer service, developing effective KPIs, or implementing a marketing strategy, a business coach can provide the support and guidance necessary to succeed in today’s competitive business environment.

In conclusion, service-based businesses face unique challenges that require customized solutions. By working with a business coach, service-based businesses can gain the expertise and support they need to achieve their objectives and grow their business. From improving customer service to developing effective KPIs, a business coach can provide invaluable guidance and strategies that can lead to increased revenue, profitability, and success.

If you think a your business could benefit from a business coach book a free 15 min consultation – we will discover what you are looking for and you can decide if we are a good fit to help.